Aaron Taylor of AccessLex (Ep. 257)

Aaron Taylor, the Executive Director of the AccessLex Center for Legal Education Excellence, joins Nathan and Ben to discuss the current state of law schools—from the U.S. News Rankings and prepping students for the financial realities of law school, to administering the Bar exam during a pandemic. But before the guys dive in, they talk about some of the biggest news of the year: LSAC lost a bunch of July LSAT-Flex scores.
AccessLex Website: https://www.accesslex.org/
AccessLex Student Loan Calculator: https://www.accesslex.org/index.php/student-loan-calculator#/
Read more and listen to the full episode on our website: https://www.thinkinglsat.com/
Don't pay for law school with our LSAT Demon: https://www.lsatdemon.com