Expand Your Vocabulary (Ep. 430)

Ben Olson's headshot.

Lawyers are gladiators of the English language. Words are their weapons. So if you’re entering the arena of legal practice, you’d better hone your vocabulary. This week, Ben and Nathan encourage listeners to keep a dictionary handy and to embrace a growth mindset when it comes to their English proficiency. Later, the guys roast some of the internet’s most bizarre LSAT advice. They probe the motives of WashU’s “redacted review.” And they consider the benefits of taking a gap year before law school.

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0:00 - January LSAT Registration

The January LSAT registration deadline is upon us. Ben and Nathan explain why November test takers should plan to retake in January.

8:32 - Vocabulary

Nathan and Ben explain how to approach unfamiliar words on the LSAT.

21:44 - Word of the Week

Ben and Nathan upbraid LSAT students who don’t make efforts to expand their vocabulary.

27:08 - Pearls vs. Turds

Nathan and Ben are flummoxed by a blog post that advises LSAT students to align their LSAT prep with their future law school specializations.

45:56 - Score Increase Addendum

Some law schools require applicants to write addendums addressing significant LSAT score increases. Nathan and Ben recommend a one-sentence response.

52:12 - WashU “Redacted Review”

Washington University School of Law allows applicants to redact their LSAT or GPA on their applications. What’s the catch? The redacted info is still considered when awarding scholarships. Ben and Nathan view “redacted review” as just another tactic to solicit applications.

1:10:45 - Scholarship Estimator

Year after year, law schools play the same old scholarship game. The LSAT Demon Scholarship Estimator helps applicants play along.

1:17:29 - Gap Years

Should you take a gap year? Probably. Nathan and Ben discuss how taking an extra year to increase your LSAT score can transform you as a law school applicant.

1:24:28 - Shoutouts

LSAT Demon student Tanya thanks teachers Ala and Brandon for helping her on her LSAT journey.