Episode Archives

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Don't Obsess Over Question Types (Ep. 858)

Nathan and Erik advise listener Gavin not over-analyze his performance on specific question types in Logical Reasoning.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


LSAT Timing Strategies Don't Work (Ep. 857)

How do you get faster on the LSAT? Forget your timing strategies and focus on understanding.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Law School Tuitions Are Bogus (Ep. 856)

Law school scholarships aren’t always a good deal.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Don't Undersell Your Softs (Ep. 855)

Nathan and Ben urge an anonymous listener not to undersell their achievements.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


False Positives and False Negatives (Ep. 854)

Nathan and Erik explain the concepts of false positives and negatives in medical testing and why they’re important to understand for the LSAT.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Online Law School (Ep. 853)

Erik and Nathan discuss online law school options for a rural student.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Analytics Are a Distraction (Ep. 852)

Don’t be distracted by analytics and “trends” in your LSAT study. Focus on thoroughly reviewing one question at a time.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


GPA Addendums Are Dangerous (Ep. 851)

Nathan and Erik explain why writing a GPA addendum might hurt you rather than help you.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


The Purpose of Taking Practice Test (Ep. 850)

We don’t take timed practice tests to check in on our score. We take them to practice ignoring the clock.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Retake a 172? (Ep. 849)

An anonymous listener asks whether it’s worth it to take a gap year to try bettering their 172. Erik and Nathan weigh in.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Score Release and LSAT Addendums (Ep. 848)

Ben and Nathan advise listener Damon not to write an addendum explaining an LSAT score increase.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


From 146 to 172: Sina's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 847)

LSAT Demon student Sina joins Erik to share her LSAT success story.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Should I Take a Gap Year? (Ep. 846)

Nathan and Erik explain why there’s only upside to taking a gap year.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Make Flexible Predictions (Ep. 845)

Ben discusses how to stay flexible with your predictions in Logical Reasoning.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Long-Winded Pedantry (Ep. 844)

In a long-winded email, listener Dion welcomes feedback on his writing. Nathan and Erik oblige. The guys also discuss LSAT study plans, low GPAs, and law school transfers.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Write a Winning Personal Statement (Ep. 843)

Erik and Nathan encourage listener Julia to write a personal statement that highlights her professional and academic achievements.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Advice for a New LSAT Student (Ep. 842)

Ben gives new student Jayden some pointers on how to make the most of his LSAT study.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Can I Get Into Stanford Law School? (Ep. 841)

Nathan and Ben assess a listener’s chances for admission to Stanford Law School.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Tips for Breaking 170 (Ep. 840)

Nathan and Ben share some tips for advancing from the 160’s to the 170’s.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Apply Broadly (Ep. 839)

Ben and Nathan implore an anonymous listener to expand their list of target schools.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Grade Deflation (Ep. 838)

Nathan and Erik help an anonymous listener draft a GPA addendum to address grade deflation at their undergraduate institution.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Is My GPA Too Low for the T14? (Ep. 837)

Listener Adrian worries that his GPA will be too low for T14 scholarships. Nathan and Erik tell Adrian to focus on getting straight A’s and to worry about law school later.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Medical Issues and Diversity Statements (Ep. 836)

Listener Lindsey asks if it’s appropriate to write a diversity statement about overcoming major medical issues.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


From 150 to 174: Ryan's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 835)

LSAT Demon teacher Ryan joins Erik to share his LSAT success story.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Improve Your Predictions (Ep. 834)

Listener Nernemsaa asks how to get better at predicting the right answer on the LSAT.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Asking Professors for Letters of Recommendation (Ep. 833)

Erik and Nathan advise listener Grace on how to ask professors for letters of recommendation.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Politics and Personal Statements (Ep. 832)

An anonymous listener asks if their political conservatism will put them at a disadvantage in law school applications.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


When Should I Take the LSAT? (Ep. 831)

When should you register for the LSAT? When your practice test scores indicate that you’re ready.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Focus on the Good Stuff (Ep. 830)

Nathan and Erik advise listener Bri to avoid trauma dumping in her law school applications.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


June or August? (Ep. 829)

Listener Mason asks whether to take the June LSAT or wait until August for his fifth official attempt.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


One and Done (Ep. 828)

Nathan and Erik advise listener Ananya to rethink her “one and done” LSAT plan.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Don't Overthink Your Study Schedule (Ep. 827)

Nathan and Ben advise an anonymous listener not to overthink their study schedule in the weeks before the June LSAT.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Score Variance Is Nothing to Worry About (Ep. 826)

Ben and Nathan urge an anonymous listener to avoid the internet comparison trap and to embrace score variance as their friend.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


LSAT Terminology: "Logically Consistent" (Ep. 825)

Nathan and Erik explain the meaning of the phrase “logically consistent” as it appears on the LSAT.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Reapply With a New Personal Statement (Ep. 824)

Ben and Nathan encourage listener Marybeth to rewrite her personal statement when she reapplies next cycle.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Anxiety About Proctoring Problems (Ep. 823)

An anonymous listener suffered from test anxiety on the April LSAT. Erik and Nathan advise Anonymous to relieve the pressure by relaxing their LSAT timeline.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


K-JD Resume Advice (Ep. 822)

Should an anonymous listener include an achievement from high school on their law school resume? Nathan and Erik weigh in.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Should I Take the June LSAT? (Ep. 821)

Listener Ethan hasn’t reached his target score on his practice tests. Should he still plan to take the June test if LG is his best section?

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


From 152 to 176: Cole's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 820)

Demon team member Cole joins Erik to share his LSAT success story.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Scholarships Favor White People (Ep. 819)

Nathan and Ben react to a new ABA report on demographic trends in law school scholarships.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Don't Make Excuses for Bad Grades (Ep. 818)

Nathan and Erik discuss how listener Kelli can write a GPA addendum that doesn’t sound like she’s making excuses for bad grades.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Tips for Improving Your Vocabulary (Ep. 817)

Erik and Nathan share some tips for improving your vocabulary for the LSAT.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Student Loans are Dangerous (Ep. 816)

A YouTuber romanticizes her $100,000 student loan debt. Nathan and Ben explain why her “investment” is unlikely to pay off.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Too Young for Law School? (Ep. 815)

An anonymous listener worries that their youth and inexperience will hurt their law school admissions chances.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Practice Gratitude (Ep. 814)

Listener Anna worries that she won’t crack 170 before she exhausts her five official attempts. Ben and Nathan encourage Anna to push forward while being grateful for her success so far.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


From 157 to 170+: Marvin's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 813)

LSAT Demon student Marvin joins Erik to share his LSAT success story.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Diversity Statement and GPA Addendum (Ep. 812)

Ben and Erik advise listener Makeda on how to highlight her strengths in her supplemental materials.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


RC Scores Dropping (Ep. 811)

Ben and Nathan tell an anxious listener not to fret over their recent practice test scores.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


We All Have Off Days (Ep. 810)

Not every day of LSAT study will go as planned. That’s OK.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Prelaw Work Experience (Ep. 809)

Listener Marianella worries that her lack of legal work experience will look bad on her applications.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


How Much Do Lawyers Make? (Ep. 808)

Nathan and Ben explain why the average lawyer’s salary is a misleading statistic.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Best Score vs. Average Score (Ep. 807)

Law schools care about your best LSAT score, not your average LSAT score.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


April LSAT Audits (Ep. 806)

Ben and Nathan debunk a new conspiracy theory that’s grabbing attention on a certain subreddit.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Second-Guessing the Right Answer (Ep. 805)

It’s surprising how often LSAT students get spooked by a technicality in the right answer and end up picking a terrible answer instead. Tip: Don’t do that.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


How We Reread (Ep. 804)

Nathan and Erik describe how rereading is key to their reading process.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Job Prospects for Online Law Students (Ep. 803)

Listener Brian wonders how to evaluate the merits of fully online law schools. Will online law students struggle to find jobs compared to their in-person counterparts?

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Curves and Conditional Scholarships (Ep. 802)

Nathan and Erik discuss conditional scholarships, grading curves, and tuition guarantees.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Law School Do-Over? (Ep. 801)

An anonymous listener was dismissed from law school for poor academic performance. Now they want to try again.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Move the Goalposts (Ep. 800)

You sell yourself short if you settle for “getting in.” Erik and Nathan urge listeners to aim for scholarships, not acceptances.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


From 151 to 173: Joshua's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 799)

LSAT Demon team member Joshua joins Erik to share his LSAT success story.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


How to Review LSAT Reading Comprehension (Ep. 798)

Erik and Brayden discuss when and how to review your mistakes in Reading Comprehension.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Law School Prestige and Career Opportunities (Ep. 797)

Nathan and Erik discuss lower-ranked schools’ big law placement numbers and why hiring managers care about prestige.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Will Logical Reasoning Change? (Ep. 796)

Erik and Nathan don’t expect any big changes to Logical Reasoning after Logic Games go away.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Waiting for Score Release (Ep. 795)

Listener Isidro asks if he should be studying while waiting for score release day. Nathan and Erik question whether he should be studying at all.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Start from Scratch? (Ep. 794)

Nathan and Ben advise an anonymous listener on how to retool their LSAT study following a disappointing April test.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


From 159 to 180: Reggie's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 793)

LSAT Demon team member Reggie joins Erik to share his LSAT success story.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Falsely Accused (Ep. 792)

Listener J was falsely accused of violating his school’s code of conduct. Does he need to disclose this in his law school applications?

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Defer or Withdraw Applications? (Ep. 791)

LSAT Demon student Jacob was disappointed by his scholarship offers. Ben and Nathan encourage Jacob to withdraw and reapply next cycle.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


An Addendum Won't Save You (Ep. 790)

Nathan and Erik help listener Chantelle draft a short GPA addendum that highlights an upward trend in her GPA. But they warn Chantelle that an addendum alone won’t make her a competitive applicant.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Wait Until August?

An anonymous listener considers giving up on LG.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Retake and Reapply (Ep. 788)

Erik and Nathan advise an anonymous listener to retake the LSAT and reapply in the fall rather than settle for a mediocre scholarship offer this cycle.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Ignore Your Scores (Ep. 787)

Don’t let fear of practice test scores prevent you from taking timed sections.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Law School Should Be Online (Ep. 786)

Some law schools oppose the rise of online education. But Nathan and Ben believe that law school would be better online.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Caught Cheating (Ep. 785)

An anonymous listener got caught cheating on a final exam. How badly will this hurt their law school admissions chances?

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Will Logic Games Be Tougher in April and June? (Ep. 784)

Nathan and Erik dismiss listener Simon’s fears about upcoming Logic Games sections.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Your Official LSAT Is Just Another Practice Test (Ep. 783)

Listener Meg is feeling anxious about taking her first official LSAT. Erik and Nathan remind her that the official test is no different than the dozens of practice tests that she’s already taken.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Splitter's GPA Addendum (Ep. 782)

Erik and Nathan brainstorm ideas for a STEM major’s GPA addendum.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Don't Sweat Your Score Plateau (Ep. 781)

Nathan and Ben applaud listener Celina for her commitment to accuracy. They assure Celina that her score plateau doesn’t represent her true potential.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Overthinking the Correct Answer (Ep. 780)

An anonymous listener complains that their tendency to overthink the correct answer is costing them points in Logical Reasoning. Nathan and Erik disagree.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Full LSAT Every Day? (Ep. 779)

Lawyers work long hours. But what works for lawyers doesn’t necessarily work for LSAT prep.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Don't Waste Test Attempts (Ep. 778)

Lawyers work long hours. But what works for lawyers doesn’t necessarily work for LSAT prep.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Always Read the Passage First (Ep. 777)

Many LSAT students are taught to read the question first in Logical Reasoning. Nathan and Erik explain why this approach is antithetical to the LSAT Demon philosophy.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Treat Logic Games Like Reading Comprehension (Ep. 776)

Erik and Nathan advise listener Sam on how to deal with LG anxiety.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Picking Target Schools (Ep. 775)

Erik and Cally discuss things to consider when building your list of target schools.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


GPA vs. Undergrad Difficulty (Ep. 774)

Erik and Nathan discuss why law schools care more about your GPA than what classes you took in undergrad.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Bye Bye, Bar Exam (Ep. 773)

Oregon and Washington state no longer require the bar exam. Ben and Nathan think that more states should follow suit.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Dealing with Test Anxiety (Ep. 772)

Cally and Erik share some mindfulness-based suggestions for dealing with test anxiety.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Acing LG (Ep. 771)

How do you ace the fourth game in a timed section of logic games? Start by crushing the first three games.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Do Masters Degrees Matter? (Ep. 770)

Listener Aeden asks whether his master’s degree will give him an edge in law school admissions.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Put Away That Crystal Ball (Ep. 769)

Nathan and Erik chuckle over another prep company’s webinar “preview” of future LSAT content.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Setting a Goal Score (Ep. 768)

Erik and Cole discuss how to set an appropriate goal score and when to adjust your expectations.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Maximize Your Test Attempts (Ep. 767)

Erik and Nathan encourage an anonymous listener to maximize their test attempts and to apply broadly.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Don't Trust Practice Area Rankings (Ep. 766)

An anonymous listener envisions an in-house legal role at a pharmaceutical company. Nathan and Erik weigh in.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Be Excited to Study (Ep. 765)

Listener Adam considers postponing his LSAT study.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Should I Hire an Admissions Consultant? (Ep. 764)

A stressed-out listener considers hiring an expensive admissions consultant to help with their applications.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


r/LSAT Shadow Ban Hurts the Community (Ep. 763)

Erik speaks with two Reddit users who have first hand experience of LSAT Demon’s shadow ban on r/LSAT.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Big Law or Bust? (Ep. 762)

An anonymous listener wonders whether it’s worth the risk to enter law school with a “big law or bust” mindset.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


From 142 to 172: Brayden's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 761)

Brayden joins Erik to share his LSAT success story.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Note-Taking in RC (Ep. 760)

Erik and Nathan warn an anonymous LSAT Demon student not to let note-taking become a substitute for actual understanding in Reading Comprehension.

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.


Med School to Law School (Ep. 759)

Listener Hainan considers changing track from med school to law school. Nathan and Ben recommend the book Don’t Go to Law School (Unless).

The Thinking LSAT Podcast cover image featuring hosts Ben Olson and Nathan Fox as well as the episode number.

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